Hi everyone...馃榿
Hiya doin', monkey spankers? :)
hello we are couple and try find other couple or lady
i looking for someone to take a photos. is someone from UK here. ?
hi any open Pearson boy or girl want to have funnnn let enjoy sex we live one's let do it
ny women from Sheffield want have some fun ? ;)
Attractive Couple learns the real Lord to a permanent system :-)
What do you suggest ?
Hello there guapaM, you wanna exchange some messages?
you like to fuck girl?
Looking for women or couple wishing to become obediant slaves. Fully anonimous.
Hello everyone, girls or couple in Warsaw area? I am quite new :)
We would like to polish our english:D
good 4 u:)
We like U2
hehe well I like SlipKnot:P
What kind of knot is slipknot?:P
that is the heaviest shit ever:)
highly recomended to everyone:P m/
hi all
hello :) i like sex ?
anyone have spy videos or pix of your wife without her knowing...
any cool person bi or couple that are bi from krakow?close to our age without extra weight and depilated with place to have fun?
30 yearold man want to try swing o group sex on my profile u can see pic and mov waitung for coupels a wimen
Hi to all of you! Finally a place to talk in english...sometimes I came to Warsaw I dont' speak polish..hop to know someone there in the future!
But you know meaning od your nick in polish?:D
Mmhh...no I dont'know. Google translate give no translation... :-) Something of bizarre?
May be it's a "false friend"? If happen, for exemple "Nuda" in polish I know it means means "bored" while in italian it means "naked" !
Yeah. Same funkcje with word "curva" IT/PL. Well, your nick means "what a balls":D thouht it was on purpose:)
:-) That's great, it's fully unwanted and casual!! Funny this sense of words..
So I learned something new in Polish! :-)
Thats something;) good for you!
Szukamy pani do wsp贸lnej zabawy
Jestesmy para ludzi stapajacych realnie po ziemi 馃槈 Chcecie odezwijcie sie 馃槝
Zawsze mozna sie poznac !! Daj cie jakis kontakt a napewno sie odezwiemy 馃槝馃槝馃槝
Hey s艂oneczko mamy ochot臋 si臋 spotka膰 z tak膮 pi臋kna kobieta
Ponad pania lub Panie do wsp贸lnej zabawy z Bradford i okolic
Hi, living in Warsaw for few months, will stay much longer. Looking for friends for fitness partners (Jatomi or other) and possibly more. Please, write.
Serwis przeznaczony tylko dla os贸b doros艂ych. Klikaj膮c "Rozumiem" potwierdzasz, 偶e masz uko艅czone 18 lat. Strona korzysta z plik贸w cookies w celu realizacji us艂ug.