Mini Zbiornik
Kraków, Małopolskie, Poland
15 godzin temu
rok temu
  • Fanów: 580
  • Wyświetleń: 12017

O nas

We are two busy people with a passion for photography.
We no longer do freebie (we found that value is cherished). We only come here once or twice a month, so please be patient. All appointment times before Christmas are now full. But we believe a good think is worth waiting for.

A few guidelines:
We always photograph as a team and never alone.
A small deposit must be paid at the time of booking. It will not be refunded if you cancel.
We are photographers, not digital artists. We do not cover tattoos or blur faces. You can do it if you want, at your expense.
Further details upon request.



Nie lubimy

Lack of respect (including breaking appointments), culture and discretion. Stupidity, rudeness, vulgar politics, vanity, excessive swearing, an overgrown ego. We do not like requests for image manipulation including blurring.


Life, photography and people who appreciate it.


Na podstawie Ust. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r., publikator: Dz. U. 1994, nr 24, poz. 83, tekst jednolity: Dz. U. 2006, nr 90, poz. 631 oświadczamy, że wszelkie prawa do publikowanych przez nas materiałów należą wyłącznie do nas i nie udzielamy zgody na wykorzystywanie naszych materiałów do jakichkolwiek celów bez naszej zgody.

Ulubiona muzyka

Depends on the mood.

Ulubione filmy

"Some like it hot" starring Marilyn Monroe, "Rear Window" with James Stewart.

Ulubione cytaty

“Sometimes I photograph to find out what something will look like photographed." Gary Winograd

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