Mini Zbiornik
Adminki VIP VF
5 miesięcy temu

Komentarze (3)

golaskimy Oo ptaszek jest
Para • 5 miesięcy temu
InWarsaw Can I ask a question please? Are you the Admin of this site and if so, I have gotten myself in a real problem and I cannot even send a paid message as I stupidly turned Premium creator monetisation program and then someone when I had the camara on the other day 30zl to my fat ass, which was very nice of him, but now I cannot turn it off now as I need a zero ballence on the account. I am realistic that this face is hardly going to make me rich. lol
Mężczyzna • 5 miesięcy temu
Adminki write to the administration that you are giving me these credits as a "donation" and let them switch to a normal account without an asterisk
ParaMM • 5 miesięcy temu
InWarsaw Brillant and I appreciate that :-)
Mężczyzna • 5 miesięcy temu
Pavcioo Cudnie
Mężczyzna • 5 miesięcy temu

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