Have any one of you had an idea of connecting erotic topics with learning of the language?? Erotic English practice lessons ;) I want to know your opinions.
probably this place IS NOT for practicing English :D
there is a place where are erotic stories in many genders /level of intensification/
and there are in RL where people talk in English and if you are able to change topic, you can finish with new friends on afterparty.
In this place we have cheap version of porntub mixed with fuckbook.
i think push pull suck would be anough :D
Why English only! Oriental languages are increasingly popular! xD
For example?
vietnamese ;) doesn't sound sexy tho nowhere close to japanese :(
I have never heard, very hard to say...
Looking forward to your suggestions Naomi?
I heard a girl say UwU and saw her do this: 👉👈 - what else is there? 😂
Looking for English teacher in Cracow!
Always open for options to learn new languages and new tricks with it. Merry Christmas guy 😍
I think this is a great idea! I'm willing to participate both as a teacher and as a student. It's a place for swapping, right? :). We only need to figure out how to grade students. And of course, how to punish them for not studying!
By the way, I'm willing to learn new languages as well, especially Vietnamese! And I have a reason for it ;)
adult card games? ;-)
Hi, I'm looking for womens native speaker from any other country in Wrocław. Just for learn language in sexy way. I am open to all languages 😉
Hello, I'm looking for someone, who learns English like me, to speak about anything. Of course, I prefer to talk about erotic topics! :)
I think you would better find some famous novel/fiction story published in English and related to this subject. "The Rosy Crucification" trilogy by Miller contains a lot of the said passages. Or sth by Wolkers, or anything like this.
Looking for English teacher. Szczecin, Poznań.
I would be happy to help someone improve english skills
Hi guys,
Nice to have you on this land.
I f at least if you answer this message here or WhatsApp, we'll gonna started":)
Pleasure&Hygiene - nr 1. Pleasure for both es aequo nr 1:)
Let's get ready. You can be two or more guys STRAIGHTnguys ;)
Any lady or couple in Krakow who would like to practise naughty English?
Wish I could have such lesson mmmmm with some spanking ended.
You’d be spanked if you do your homework correctly
We are both together or separately available for erotic english lessons, in Krakow. Call 536 070 104
Warsaw, looking for a native speaker
Anybody from KRAKÓW ?
Sure we are. If you want Erotic English lessons then contact and tell me what you would like.
If you're looking for an opportunity to practise your English, contact me. I'm an academic teacher with a lot of patience, not unlimited though. Maybe, we can get something going? Women only.
interesting proposition ;)
Send me a PM. Maybe we can get something going.
I can give lessons if anybody's interested :)
Anybody from Silesia? Katowice ?
Yes. I’ve sent you a message
many possibilities but as non-siingle I have no interest to help you 🌞
Who is willing to meet today in Kraków.. beautiful lady
Hello Warsaw ladies. Would love to teach some English anytime 😏
Can I?
Yes, you can :)
Yes why not
I'd love to give you some lessons. I've over 15 years of experience with English daily, including teaching. Leave me a message ;)
I'd be more than happy to help you practice your English skills. Warsaw or online. Of course, a nice reward & punishment system will be there to help you absorb the knowledge ;)
Krakow? 😉
Warsaw, but soon visiting Kraków ;)
I live near 🫣
Warsaw. English lessons. Powisle located male.
I am looking for nice girl teacher of English in Poznań to nice conversations once a week.
Looking to give lessons
I looking sexy english teacher…. Kraków.
I am not sure whether this topic is to find teacher fantasy from porn or is really about learning language (not tongue) practice. Tell me pls 🙈
I think it is a little of everything 😉😛
1408 kod
Kto zwali konia na kamerce wspólnie? Whereby!
$$$💎🔥CAMERA🔥💎$$$👑Done👑I want to be pissed by a muscular bull today😈👉👌😈
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