Single guy. Live by myself, have own house. Enjoy nature and the sea. Spend most of my time in my summerhouse, because I don't need to work anymore. Like to spend time nude when weather is warm enough.
It would be interesting to find a young slim guy who'd like to visit and spend some time with me. I'm not looking for just a quick sex meeting. I like sex of course too, but I like to have the chance to also get acquainted and enjoy each others company. I could also host a guy who's traveling and want a place to stay in a nice and friendly surrounding.
Would be very interesting to meet a couple for friendship and also doing 3-some, but the guy can be bi, curious or hetero if feels OK to be touched by a guy.
Of course I understand that this is just wishes that won't come true, but if you feel like spending a good time in a wonderful scenic place with a nice and friendly guy, you're welcome to surprise me! :)
Fat people, gready, liers!
Nature, my boat and summerhouse. Nudity in the sun. Spend time with young nice people.
Very interested to meet a couple to see them having sex. Also participate in the action. Would love to invite a young slim couple for spending time here.
Country & Western. :)
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